Travel Journal

Take us on vacation with you. Let us know about the cool things you are doing and the interesting places you are visiting. Please post a photo and write a bit about your experience.

Forbidden Love

  Romeo and Juliette in Sarajevo ▪   Summarize the young lovers’ story. ▪   Consider how the documentary is structured. How is the story told? What effect did this approach have on you as Compare/contrast: How is the story of these young lovers similar to and different from Romeo and Juliet’s? Consider: ▪  …

What’s so Scary about Smart Girls?

  Read this article about the girls being kidnapped in Nigeria After reading, discuss the article with your partner.  Attempt to write a critical analysis of the article. Considering some of the conversations that I heard today, I am adding a what Critical Analysis is NOT. Critical analysis is not A straight description of something…

Observational poems

Like “Blueberry” by Diane Lockward we created poems about objects that we observed. The poems not only use poetic devices, but describe object,  use, convenience, origin, and memory. Blueberry by Diane Lockward Deep-blue hue of the body, silvery bloom on its skin. Undersized runt of a fruit, like something that failed to thrive, dented top…

A New Chapter

Our new unit is Coming of Age Amidst LOVE.  In keeping with the unit, you are to create a new ending to The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Your ending must have an epigraph, a plot line that has verisimilitude, and keeps in line with the setting.

The Semicolon

          Here’s what you need to know: A semicolon is like a period. Don’t capitalize the beginning of the next sentence. (A semicolon is like a period; don’t capitalize the beginning of the next sentence.) The semicolon The Colon

Talk show segment

You are an expert in any inequality found in your reading. You have been asked to lend your expertise in your subject area as a panelist on the MSNBC Series focusing on Race and Inequality in the 21st Century. Your job is to speak and educate the audience in attendance on your issue. Please post…

Book Review

Writing the Review: Include title, author, genre Hook the reader with your opening sentence. Set the tone of the review. Be familiar with the guidelines — some editors want plot summaries; others don’t. Some want you to say outright if you recommend a book, but not others. Review the book you read — not the…

Like Langston Hughes

    Write a poem expressing what you think Hughes would have wanted to say about Tom Robinson’s case and how he was being treated in Maycomb county.